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J. N. Green: The Author of Technical Drawing and Woodwork PDF Books

JN Green PDF Free Download: A Guide for Technical Drawing Enthusiasts

If you are interested in learning or improving your technical drawing skills, you might have heard of JN Green, a renowned author and teacher of this subject. His book, Technical Drawing GCE and CSE, is considered one of the best resources for students and professionals who want to master the basics of technical drawing. But how can you get a copy of this book without spending a fortune? Is there a way to download it for free online? And how can you use it effectively to enhance your technical drawing abilities? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, so keep reading!

Who is JN Green and why is his book popular?

JN Green is a British author and educator who has been teaching technical drawing for over 40 years. He has written several books on the subject, but his most famous one is Technical Drawing GCE and CSE, which was first published in 1965 and has been revised and reprinted several times since then. This book is widely used in schools and colleges as a textbook for technical drawing courses, as well as by self-learners who want to learn the subject on their own.

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JN Green's background and achievements

JN Green was born in 1930 in London, England. He studied engineering at the University of London and worked as a mechanical engineer for several years before becoming a teacher. He taught technical drawing at various schools and colleges in England, including the City of London School, where he was the head of the engineering department. He also lectured at the University of London and other institutions. He retired from teaching in 1992, but continued to write books on technical drawing until his death in 2014.

JN Green was a respected authority on technical drawing, and received many awards and honors for his work. He was a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Member of the Institution of Engineering Designers, and a Chartered Engineer. He also received the Silver Medal from the City and Guilds of London Institute for his contribution to technical education.

Technical Drawing GCE and CSE: A comprehensive and practical guide

Technical Drawing GCE and CSE is JN Green's most popular book, which covers all the basic drawing techniques, rules, and styles that are essential for technical drawing. It is suitable for students who are preparing for the General Certificate of Education (GCE) or the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) examinations in technical drawing, as well as for anyone who wants to learn or improve their technical drawing skills.

The book is divided into 12 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of technical drawing, such as standard symbols, isometric, oblique, orthographic, thick/thin lines, dimensioning, and geometric construction. Each chapter contains clear explanations, examples, illustrations, exercises, and solutions. The book also includes a glossary of terms, an index, and an appendix with useful tables and charts.

The book is designed to be easy to follow, practical, and comprehensive. It builds up the level of difficulty gradually through simple practice drawings, so that the reader can progress from basic to advanced concepts without getting overwhelmed or confused. The book also provides tips and advice on how to avoid common mistakes, how to check your work for accuracy, and how to present your drawings professionally.

How to find and download JN Green's book for free?

If you want to get a copy of JN Green's book for free, you might be tempted to search for it online and download it from any website that offers it. However, this is not a good idea, as you might face some problems and risks. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of downloading PDF books online, and how to find the best websites to download JN Green's book legally and safely.

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  • You can save money by not buying the physical book.

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The best websites to download JN Green's book legally and safely

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How to use JN Green's book to improve your technical drawing skills?

Once you have downloaded JN Green's book for free, you might wonder how to use it effectively to improve your technical drawing skills. Here are some of the main topics and techniques covered in the book, and some tips and exercises to practice and apply your knowledge.

The main topics and techniques covered in the book

JN Green's book covers all the fundamental aspects of technical drawing that you need to know, such as:

  • The types and purposes of technical drawing, such as engineering drawing, architectural drawing, electrical drawing, etc.

  • The standards and conventions of technical drawing, such as symbols, abbreviations, units, scales, etc.

  • The tools and equipment used for technical drawing, such as pencils, pens, rulers, compasses, protractors, set squares, etc.

  • The methods and principles of technical drawing, such as projection, perspective, dimensioning, sectioning, hatching, etc.

  • The applications and examples of technical drawing, such as mechanical parts, electrical circuits, building plans, maps, etc.

The book explains each topic and technique in a clear and concise way, with diagrams, formulas, and step-by-step instructions. It also provides practical exercises at the end of each chapter, with solutions at the end of the book. The book covers both the theory and the practice of technical drawing, so that you can understand the concepts and apply them to real-life situations.

The tips and exercises to practice and apply your knowledge

To use JN Green's book effectively to improve your technical drawing skills, you need to do more than just read it. You need to practice and apply what you learn from the book, by following these tips and exercises:

  • Review the main points and key terms of each chapter before and after reading it. This will help you to remember and reinforce the information.

  • Do the exercises at the end of each chapter, and check your answers with the solutions at the end of the book. This will help you to test your understanding and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Draw your own examples of technical drawings based on the topics and techniques covered in the book. This will help you to develop your creativity and problem-solving skills.

  • Compare your drawings with the examples in the book or online. This will help you to evaluate your accuracy and quality.

  • Seek feedback from others who are interested or experienced in technical drawing. This will help you to improve your communication and collaboration skills.

Conclusion and FAQs

In conclusion, JN Green's book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn or improve their technical drawing skills. It is a comprehensive and practical guide that covers all the basic aspects of technical drawing, from standards and conventions to methods and applications. It is also easy to find and download for free online, as long as you choose reliable and trustworthy websites. By following the tips and exercises in this article, you can use JN Green's book effectively to enhance your technical drawing abilities.

If you are interested in learning more about JN Green's book or technical drawing in general, here are some frequently asked questions that might help you:

Five frequently asked questions about JN Green's book and technical drawing

  • What is the difference between technical drawing and artistic drawing?

Technical drawing is a form of drawing that uses precise measurements, symbols, rules, and styles to represent objects or systems in a clear and accurate way. It is used for engineering, architecture, design, science, and other technical fields. Artistic drawing is a form of drawing that uses expressive techniques, colors, shapes, and styles to represent objects or scenes in a creative and subjective way. It is used for art, entertainment, education, and personal expression.

  • What are the benefits of learning technical drawing?

Learning technical drawing can have many benefits, such as:

  • It can improve your spatial awareness, visualization, logic, and attention to detail.

  • It can enhance your communication, collaboration, and presentation skills.

  • It can expand your knowledge of various subjects, such as mathematics, physics, engineering, architecture, design, and science.

  • It can increase your employability, productivity, and creativity in various technical fields.

  • What are the challenges of learning technical drawing?

Learning technical drawing can also have some challenges, such as:

  • It can require a lot of time, patience, and practice to master the skills and techniques.

  • It can involve a lot of calculations, measurements, and accuracy checks to ensure the correctness and quality of the drawings.

  • It can depend on the availability and accessibility of the tools and equipment needed for the drawings.

  • What are the best resources to learn technical drawing besides JN Green's book?

Besides JN Green's book, there are many other resources that can help you learn technical drawing, such as:

  • Other books on technical drawing, such as Engineering Drawing by ND Bhatt, Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics by Frederick Giesecke, and Technical Drawing for Dummies by David Byrnes.

  • Online courses on technical drawing, such as Introduction to Technical Drawing by Coursera, Technical Drawing 101 by Udemy, and Technical Drawing Fundamentals by Skillshare.

  • Online tutorials and videos on technical drawing, such as How to Draw Like an Engineer by YouTube, Technical Drawing Basics by Instructables, and Technical Drawing Tips and Tricks by Autodesk.

  • Online communities and forums on technical drawing, such as Reddit's r/TechnicalDrawing, Quora's Technical Drawing topic, and Stack Exchange's Engineering community.

  • How can I get feedback and support for my technical drawings?

If you want to get feedback and support for your technical drawings, you can try these options:

  • Ask your teacher, tutor, or mentor for guidance and advice on your drawings.

  • Join a local or online technical drawing club or group where you can share your drawings and get feedback from other members.

  • Participate in online contests or challenges where you can submit your drawings and get ratings or comments from judges or viewers.

  • Use online tools or apps that can check your drawings for errors or suggestions for improvement.

I hope this article has helped you to learn more about JN Green's book and technical drawing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading! 44f88ac181

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